Onze missie is om yoga toegankelijk te maken, zowel thuis als in de klas, op een down-to-earth en speelse manier.
Zodat kinderen sterk en vol zelfvertrouwen opgroeien tot stralende individuen.


Meet Liesbeth

Hey, ik ben Liesbeth! Ergotherapeut, mama, (kinder)yogadocent en leerkracht.
Leuk dat jij hier bent.

✨ Met FOY wil ik heel graag kinderen inspireren om hun eigen talenten te ontdekken en hun eigen pad te volgen. Ik geloof dat kinderyoga de ontwikkeling van kinderen op verschillende niveaus kan ondersteunen. 🔥
✨ Laten we samen werken aan een wereld waarin kinderen kunnen groeien en bloeien vanuit hun eigen kracht!

- 200u yoga teacher training
- 50u Yin yoga teacher training
- 500u kinderyoga opleiding
- Opleiding kinderyogatherapie
- Psychomotoor therapeut
- Ergotherapeut
- Ademcoach


Inner peace

With Full of Yoga we want to help children find their inner peace and learn to deal with emotions and stress in a healthy way.


Self-confidence and resilience

✨ We want to give children the tools to manage their own wellbeing and build self-confidence and resilience .

✨ Through creative and playful yoga exercises we want to help children find their inner strength and connect with their body and emotions.



👉 Our mission is to strengthen the connection between parent and child, in a fun and connecting way.

So that children become the helmsman of their own lives.


Inner peace

With Full of Yoga we want to help children find their inner peace and learn to deal with emotions and stress in a healthy way.


Self-confidence and resilience

✨ We want to give children the tools to manage their own wellbeing and build self-confidence and resilience .

✨ Through creative and playful yoga exercises we want to help children find their inner strength and connect with their body and emotions.



👉 Our mission is to strengthen the connection between parent and child, in a fun and connecting way.

So that children become the helmsman of their own lives.

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